Roman Emperors Dir L Domitius Alexander
An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors
L. Domitius Alexander (308-309 A.D.)
Michael DiMaio, Jr.
L. Domitius Alexander, either of Phrygian or Pannonian extraction, was vicarius of Africa. Probably in the spring or autumn of 308 Maxentius, when he was uncertain whether or not he could depend on the loyalty of troops in Africa, demanded that the vicarius send his son as a hostage to him. Alexander disobeyed the order and was acclaimed Augustus by his troops, even though he was an old man. The revolt was of short duration; probably by late 309, the praefectus praetorio Rufius Volusianus and Zenas, paucissimis cohortibus (Aur. Vict., Caesar., 40.18), succeeded in overthrowing the usurper and in executing him. Alexander has been identified with Valerius Alexander who was vicarius of Africa between 303 and 306.
Barnes, T.D., Constantine and Eusebius, (Cambridge, 198), 33ff.
________. New Empire of Diocletian and Constantine, (Cambridge, 1982), 14ff.
Chastagnol. A. Les Fastes de la préfecture de Rome au Bas-Empire, (Paris, 1962), 55ff
Groag, E. "Maxentius." RE 14: 2440ff.
Jones, A.H.M., J.R. Martindale, and J. Morris. "L. Domitius Alexander 17." The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire, Cambridge, 1971, 1.43.
Kienast, Dietmar, Römische Kaisertabelle: Grundzüge einer römischen Kaiserchronologie, (Darmstadt, 1990), 289.
Pascoud, F. (ed.), Zosime: Histoire Nouvelle, (Paris, 1971), 85, 199ff.
Seeck, O. "L. Domitius Alexander (71)." RE 1.2: col. 1445.
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