Roman Emperors Jovinotehtml

[[1]]Cf. Seeck, "Iovianus," col. 2006, and Vanderspoel, p.135.

For a listing of the sources that treat the parentage of Constantine II, see T.D.

[[2]]Dodgeon and Lieu, pp. 237-274 and 292, give references, translation, and commentary concerning Jovian's selection, the Roman retreat, and the treaty with Sapor

[[3]]Cf. with Socrates the Arian Philostorgius, Hist. Eccl. 8.5-6, ed. Bidez (as preserved by the orthodox patriarch of Constantinople Photius), who (8.6) calls Candidus and Arrianus, supporters of Aetius against Athanasius, prosgenew, i.e. "kinsmen," of Jovian! This can hardly be true in the literal sense or in a figurative sense with respect to the theological views of Candidus, Arrianus, and Jovian. Might Philostorgius mean that they, as Jovian, were natives of the Danube frontier? Brennecke, pp.160-181, gives by far the best account of Jovian within the context of the history of the homoische Reichskircke.


[[4]]4Jovian of the last line is nominative. For interpretation, see Geffcken, p. 159. Pace Vanderspoel, p. 152, Jovian did not necessarily sanction the act.
